From 01/May 2024 To 31/Jul 2024


Redefine the future of decentralized solutions! Inovatology Partners Limited invites pioneers, innovators, and visionaries to participate in our Blockchain Technology Competition.



A blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that is used to maintain a continuously growing list of records, called blocks. It is decentralized because the ledger is created and maintained by a network of computers and the computers work as peers. No one computer in the network controls the network. The ledger is distributed equally to all computers in the network. A ledger contains records. Blockchains special feature is that it creates a number of records and packs them together into a block. It is called blockchain because it links these blocks in a chain. Each block has a time stamp and a hashed record of the previous block. These records are hashed cryptographically making them impossible to change or edit. Hashing means applying the most advance encryption methods on the records before they are recorded on the ledger. The block in which the records are packed is also hashed cryptographically with information from the previous block. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block. Blockchains are inherently resistant to modification of the data because the data is secured cryptographically. Practically a blockchain is very useful in recording transactions between people. Recording such transactions on a blockchain has value because such a record cannot be changed and it becomes a record of the truth.

One of the simplest ways to use blockchain is to record ownership of assets and their transfer. That is why blockchain is so widely used to create tokens used as money. A blockchain token used as money removes one of the biggest risks in monetary transactions because if you transact with your token today you cannot claim to own it tomorrow and use it again. Blockchain eliminates the double spend problem. Beyond money, the immutability of the records on a blockchain makes blockchain technology useful in all areas where assets are recorded and transacted. Simple examples of potential uses of blockchain are in the finance industry, land registries, intellectual property rights and hundreds more. With blockchain a centralized third party is not needed. This is appealing to libertarians because their transactions are beyond the reach of regulatory agencies like tax collectors, central banks  and crime prevention agencies. There is an intense ongoing debate on how to control the use of blockchain so that the potential negative uses of the technology can be mitigated. 



Purpose of competition

The purpose of the blockchain technology contest is four fold.  The first is to invigorate the extensive and well trained and active IT community.  Kenya today has a very large number of well educated and experienced professionals. These professionals are a very large pool of great talent. The first purpose is that the contest aims to put these people to work.  The second purpose is to direct this talent to an area of great potential in social and economic well being. The contest will challenge IT experts to look at blockchain technology, study it and understand it. They will study social trends, business practices, and the economy to see how the technology can improve people’s social and economic wellbeing. By directing their attention to blockchain they will eventually put themselves at a vantage point in a technology that will be necessary in many business processes in the future.  Expertise in blockchain technology will be a boom for the individuals and for the country. The third purpose of the contest is to arouse awareness to various stakeholders like regulatory agencies, business people and the public at large on the benefits of blockchain technology.  Increased awareness will lead to the creation of an appropriate environment for the adoption of the technology.  It will also lead to early widespread adoption of the technology to the benefit of businesses and society at large.



Blockchain description

A blockchain is an open distributed ledger across a peer-to-peer internet network that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. A ledger is a record of transactions between parties or a record of data like a record of assets and their owners. Records are recorded in blocks of a specific size and the blocks are stored in a chronological chain hence the name blockchain. Various computational methods are deployed to ensure that the recording on the ledger is permanent, chronologically ordered, and available to all participants on the network. The same copy of the ledger is distributed and maintained by all participants across the network. With decentralized ledgers no single party has control, but roles can be assigned. There's no central location or central authority for the ledger and that's the peer to peer methodology behind blockchain. Blockchain operates on the basis of cryptography, the study of techniques for secure communication, which seeks to prevent records from being compromised or manipulated. With a decentralized ledger updating is universal and happens simultaneously across all participants  because the ledger is distributed out to the participants. There are several compelling benefits to a decentralized ledger. It's open and transparent. Every copy contains every transaction ever recorded. It maintains secure data with practically zero risk of tampering. The data remains intact and free of corruption because there are multiple copies held by multiple users and no participant can change a verified record. The ledger itself can also be programmed to trigger transactions automatically in what are called smart contracts.

With blockchain, we can imagine a world in which contracts are embedded in digital code and stored in transparent, shared databases, where they are protected from deletion, tampering, and revision. In the blockchain world every agreement, every process, every task, and every payment would have a digital record and signature that could be identified, validated, stored, and shared. Intermediaries like lawyers, brokers, and bankers might no longer be necessary. Individuals, organizations, machines, and algorithms would freely transact and interact with one another with little friction. This is the immense potential of blockchain.

Various computational methods are deployed to ensure that the recording on the database is permanent, chronologically ordered, and available to all participants on the network. A distributed ledger can be described as a ledger of any transactions or contracts maintained in decentralized form across different locations and people, eliminating the need for a central authority to keep a check against manipulation. A distributed ledger gives control of all its information and transactions to the users and promotes transparency. Greater security is also provided due to their decentralized nature, as well as the fact that the ledgers are immutable. On a blockchain, once a transaction is sent it is sealed and cannot be reversed. No single party controls the data or the information. Every party can verify the records of its transaction partners directly, without an intermediary. Communication occurs directly between peers instead of through a central node. Each node stores and forwards information to all other nodes. Every transaction and its associated value are visible to anyone with access to the system. Each node, or user, on a blockchain has a unique 30-plus-character alphanumeric address that identifies it. Users can choose to remain anonymous or provide proof of their identity to others. Transactions occur between blockchain addresses. Once a transaction is entered in the database and the accounts are updated, the records cannot be altered, because they’re linked to every transaction record that came before them (hence the term “blockchain”). The digital nature of the ledger means that blockchain transactions can be tied to computational logic and in essence programmed. So users can set up algorithms and rules that automatically trigger transactions between nodes.


Competition Description

Blockchain technology competition requirements:

1.     State a case where blockchain technology can be used to improve people’s social and economic well being.

2.     State in detail how blockchain can be used in the stated use case.

3.     State in detail how peoples social and economic lives will be improved by using the technology in the stated use case

4.     Show in detail how blockchain can be deployed in the stated use case to improve people’s social and economic well being.

5.     The dates of the competition will be announced shortly



Submission of Solution

Each Participant will be required to send their submissions in accordance with the requirements which will be provided in the submission format (link). Submissions will be assessed by an assessment panel comprising of the promoter and experts in various related fields. The decision of the panel shall be final and binding.

The use case must be described in writing and with the aid of diagrams, pictures and other media.  


Competition Requirements and management

1.     Who can participate

A.   Any individual with a desire to contribute to the welfare of society

B.    Any organization formal or informal who chose to work together to offer a solution

C.    Any organization that wishes participate in offering a solution 

2.     Registration

       i.            Name

    ii.            Email

 iii.            Mobile number (this will be used as your password)

 iv.            Profession

    v.            Occupation




1. The Competition is conducted by Innovatology Partners Limited, the promoter.  The promoter’s registered office is P.O. Box 57225, 00200, City Square, Nairobi. Any rights of the Promoter are extended to its affiliates.

2. The Competition seeks to identify and reward an innovative and outstanding contribution to the IT industry by eligible competitions.   

3. Registration by competitions and institutions for the competition is free of charge and must be in accordance with the competition terms. By registering, competitors and institutions agree to be bound by the competition terms. Any registration or entry that is not in accordance with the competition terms will not be valid and will not be considered.

4. In this agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, 'Intellectual Property Rights' means all intellectual property rights, registered or unregistered, including the following rights:

a) patents, copyright, registered designs, trademarks, know-how, inventions and the right to have confidential information kept confidential; and

b) any application or right to apply for registration of any of the rights referred to in paragraph



5. To participate in the competition, competitors must register and submit an entry for the competition. Entries must be in accordance with the competition terms and conditions.

6. Entries must not include inappropriate language or material, gratuitous violence, sexual references or statements or material that, in the promoter’s opinion, promote hatred towards an individual, race, or community or which are offensive, illegal, inflammatory, obscene, unsuitable for minors, abusive, indecent, threatening, or otherwise unlawful.

7. By submitting an entry, each competitor warrants that:

a) all details provided with the competition's entry are true and accurate;

b) the competition's entry, and the innovation submitted as part of that entry, is wholly comprised of original work, created and owned by the competition, and has not previously been communicated to the public;

c) the inspiration includes all ideas and materials that inspired the innovation;

d) the competitors entry does not contain commercial words, art, photographs or images;

e) the Competitors entry does not contain any identifiable existing product or existing product logo;

f) the competitor has all necessary rights and licenses to grant the rights set out in these competition terms;

g) the exercise of the rights granted to the promoter in these competition terms will not infringe the rights of any third parties; and

h) the competitor will indemnify the promoter against any loss of damage resulting from any breach of these warranties.

8. In the event of any non-compliance with any clause, the promoter may, in its discretion, determine that the competition's entry is not valid and is excluded from the competition. The promoter reserves its rights to seek damages and enforce the indemnity provided in those clauses. 



The winning competition will be chosen based on the following scores

1)    Originality and creativity of idea 20%

2)    Clarity in describing  how blockchain can be used in the stated use case 5%

3)    Potential to develop the solution offered to a practical service to society 25%

4)    The impact of the proposed use of blockchain technology in the case stated when implemented. The impact will be based on social and economic parameters. 25%

5)    The description of the technical details to implement  the stated solution which will show the competitors understanding of bockchain technology and how to deploy it in the stated use case. 25%



10. Finalists will be determined by a competition judging panel consisting of representatives of the promoter and experts in IT and commerce. The value of the price will be announced later

11. The finalists must execute a copy of these competition terms to be eligible to receive the prizes.

13. The finalists will be invited to attend the final ‘Judging Event’ in person, being the final event where they will present their entry to the judges held at a location to be advised by the promoter. Travel and accommodation expenses will be the sole responsibility of each of the finalists.

14. During judging:

a) the judging panel shall determine the winners by applying the criteria in evaluation of the competition terms summary and selecting the entries which, in the opinion of the panel, best meet those criteria;

b) the judging panel may choose more than three (3) finalists or more than three (3) prize winners at their sole discretion

d) If a judging panel is unable to make a unanimous decision, they will decide winners by a simple majority vote of the members of the panel.

17. The prize values and description are correct at time of printing, but no responsibility is accepted for any variation in the value or the nature of any prize. Prizes supplied by a third party are subject to availability. In the event that any prize is unavailable for whatever reason, the promoter reserves the right to substitute any prize for a prize of equal or greater value.

18. If a winner has not been in contact with the promoter to claim its prize within 30 of days of a notification telephone call or email, the promoter reserves the right to offer the prize to the next eligible entrant selected by the relevant judging panel. The promoter does not accept any responsibility if a winner is not able (or otherwise fails) to take up the prize. In that event, the new winner will be selected in accordance with the competition terms.

19. Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable, and non-monetary components cannot be taken as a monetary payment.

20. Upon the three winners:

a) the promoter will have 60 days to negotiate with the winners on the purchase of the Intellectual Property Rights in the three prizes; 

b) If the promoter and any of the winners are unable to reach agreement on the purchase of the intellectual property rights within the relevant periods specified above, the winners will maintain their ownership of their intellectual property rights in their innovations.

21. During the negotiation periods set out in clause 20, the winners must not consider or negotiate any offers from third parties to purchase the intellectual property in the innovation.  



24. To the full extent permitted by law, the promoter, its affiliates, representatives, agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate competitors or institutions, or accept any liability for:

a) any incorrect or inaccurate information

b) any technical error that may occur in the course of the administration of this competition.

c) any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, loss or delay of any entry or otherwise in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of a competition's entry or the running of the competition; or

d) any injury, damages, expenses, cost, liability or loss whatsoever (whether direct, indirect or consequential) to competitors or institutions or their respective property as a result of any person entering into the competition or accepting or using any prize, including without limitation to non-receipt or damage to any prize.

25. These competition terms do not exclude any rights that cannot be excluded (for example, any such rights under applicable consumer protection legislation), to the extent permitted by law.



26. The promoter collects, holds and processes personal information about competitors and institutions to include competitors and institutions in the competition, administer the competition, to award prizes (where applicable). If the personal information requested is not provided, a competitor or institution will be ineligible to participate.

27. Competitors agree that the promoter may, in the event the competitor becomes a finalist or winner, publish or cause to be published their personal information, name, photograph or likeness and locality in any media globally, without compensation. Winners must participate in publicity calls and marketing as requested by the promoter during the competition and up to 18 months after selection of the winners. Competitors and institutions accept personal information provided to the promoter in accordance with these competition terms will be held and used according to the promoter’s privacy policy.

28. Competitors may submit only one entry.

29. The promoter reserves the right to amend these terms at its sole discretion, by posting updated terms at By continuing to participate in the competition, or accepting any prize, competitors and institutions are deemed to accept the amended terms.

30. Each competitor must keep their entry, and their innovation, confidential, and not disclose any information about their entry or their Innovation to any third party, except as required by law or permitted by the promoter or these competition terms. This confidentiality obligation continues until the date that the winners are announced by the promoter, and does not apply to any information in the public domain (other than if due to a breach of these competition terms).

31. The promoter may at its own discretion refuse competitors and institutions entry to the competition or to award any prize if competitors or institutions fail to comply with these terms, the law, or if, in the promoter's opinion, a competitor or institution's involvement with the competition may cause adverse publicity to the promoter.

32. Competitors retain ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights in their entries and innovations subject to these terms. Competitions will grant the promoter and its affiliated companies or nominees a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable, royalty free license to use the Intellectual Property Rights in competitors entries (and any component of entries) for the purposes of the competition and any promotional and marketing purposes without notice and without any fee being paid, including (without limitation) to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, communicate to the public, re-format and sub-license entries.

33. Competitors and institutions acknowledge that the promoter and its affiliated companies may exercise the global, non-exclusive right to communicate competitors entries in whole or in part to the public on any media platform.

34. Competitors and institutions acknowledge that the promoter and its affiliated companies may allow other persons to view, reproduce, download and otherwise deal in the copyright works attached to and embodied in entries.

35. Upon entry, competitors and institutions waive their Moral Rights (described below) and any other similar rights in the entries and innovations and consent to any act or omission that would otherwise infringe moral or similar rights. In these terms, Moral Rights includes:

a) a right of attribution of authorship

b) a right not to have authorship falsely attributed

c) a right of integrity of authorship; and

d) any right of a similar nature which is conferred by statute and which exists or comes to exist anywhere in the world.

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